Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Warning Signs of Low Testosterone

Over the next several weeks I will be posting life experiences, articles, information, etc. on the topic of low testosterone, of which I have been battling for what I believe to be many years. Here is my story.

There I was, 33 years of age, lying on the floor wrestling with my 2 young sons. It was taking every bit of energy that I had just to move around. Something was definitely wrong. Earlier in the day I struggled to mow the lawn, eventually taking short cuts to finish up, deciding to do the weed eating "tomorrow". For months I had complained to my wife about not having enough energy, feeling exhausted by lunch time everyday. We both blew it off as being out of shape, or maybe it was just a 30-something thing.

Several days past. My energy level was almost non-existent. My attitude was negative and pesimistic. I could not seem to get on top of things. I finally decided to go to the doctor, wondering if I may have diabetes, cancer, or some other terrible illness that was causing my symptoms.

After answering several questions, my doctor said that he wanted to do a blood test, not for diabetes or cancer, but for low testosterone. He said it would be very rare for a guy my age to have that type of problem, but he went with his gut. His gut was right. My testosterone level was at 213. A normal count for a man my age ranged from a low of 250 to a high of 800.

Do some of the symptoms that I had relate to any of you? For years I struggled with several issues that I just passed off as being tired or out of shape:

  • Low sex drive

  • Erectile disfunction

  • Extreme fatigue

  • Body aches

  • Depression

After being diagnosed with low levels of testosterone all of the struggles that I had been dealing with, both physically and mentally, began to all make sense as I researched the internet on the subject. I believe that I can trace my problem all the way back to my late teen's. I wish that I would have gone to the doctor many years prior. It sure would have saved alot of trouble, embarrassment, and heart ache.

There is good news for those of us dealing with low testosterone. I will cover this in coming articles. I look forward to hearing from others who deal with this problem everyday like I do.

1 comment:

  1. maggie.danhakl@healthline.comJuly 23, 2014 at 12:07 PM


    Healthline just designed a virtual guide explaining how testosterone affects the body. You can see the infographic here: http://www.healthline.com/health/low-testosterone/effects-on-body

    This is valuable med-reviewed information that can help a man understand how affects multiple parts of their bodies and the side effects that occur from having low testosterone. I thought this would be of interest to your audience, and I’m writing to see if you would include this as a resource on your page: http://lowtestosteroneinyour30s.blogspot.com/2009/11/warning-signs-of-low-testosterone.html

    If you do not believe this would be a good fit for a resource on your site, even sharing this on your social communities would be a great alternative to help get the word out.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to review. Please let me know your thoughts and if I can answer any questions for you.

    All the best,
    Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
    p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

    Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
    660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
    www.healthline.com | @Healthline | @HealthlineCorp

    About Us: corp.healthline.com
